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Upcycling: Rainbow Crayons

If your kids are anything like mine, they have a box somewhere of full of broken Unusable” crayons. Make the old something new again and create a few rainbow crayons that are sure to delight.

Things you’ll need:
Assorted crayons
Empty pill bottles
Empty and clean tin can

Things to do:
1. Heat a pot of water to a low simmer.
2. Break the crayons into color groups, reds, oranges, greens, blues. Peel off any remaining paper and break into small chunks.
3. Starting with reds, melt the crayons in the tin can set in the boiling water.
4. Pour into the pill bottles. Try not to disturb or shake the bottle until the wax has set. Give the wax a few minutes to cool and harden.
5. Melt the next color in the can and pour over the first color. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all of the crayons have been used up.
6. Allow the wax to set up for a few minutes and then set in the freezer to harden completely.
7. Once hard, turn the bottle over and tap firmly on the countertop to release the crayon from its mold.

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Upcycling: Coffee Can Bird Feeder

This simple little bird feeder is a perfect afternoon craft with the kids. While spray paint is the easiest way to decorate the can, with kids you can try using acrylic craft paint.

Things you’ll need:
Coffee can
Spray paint (or acrylic paint)
Jute twine
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Can opener

Things to do:
1. Wash and dry the inside and outside of the coffee can.
2. Turn the can upside down and, using the can opener, remove the bottom from the coffee can. Be sure to file down the edges of each side so that you will not harm the birds.
3. Paint the outside of the can (several coats of spray paint or let the kids go crazy with paint!)
4. Cut the lid in half and glue each of the halves over the ends to create a basin for birdseed.
5. Thread the twine through the upper part of the can and tie over a tree.

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