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Upcycle: Apple Book Gift

Here’s a perfect end of year gift for that favorite teacher, an apple that won’t go bad and will remind kids to read, read, read over the summer! Pick up cast off paperbacks for this; books with well-bent spines make the project easier!

Things you’ll need:
Paperback book (about 1 1/2 inches thick at least)
Green or red stamp pad
Craft knife
Craft Glue
Scrap of brown paper
Clothespins or clamps

Things to do:
1. Cut off the covers from the book, both front and back.
2. Using one of the covers, cut half an apple shape to use as a guide.
3. Laying the template onto the top page of the book, begin cutting around the guide, pulling off the excess paper as you go, until you have cut through the entire book.
4. Dab the edges of the apple with the inkpad until the entire outside edge is colored.
5. Bring the front and back pages around to meet each other and glue with a generous amount of craft glue. Clamp in place until dry.
6. Bend and crease the spine of the book until the pages are more or less evenly fanned out to create an apple shape. Add extra ink to bare spots.
7. Twist the scrap of brown paper into a stem shape and glue into the hole created from the now bent around spine.

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Ribbon Firecracker Tree Centerpiece

This ribbon firecracker tree makes the perfect, easy centerpiece for your Fourth of July celebrations and shows off some of that fun ribbon you’ve got lurking in your craft cupboard at the same time! It’s easier to use foam tree forms for this, rather than cardboard ones so that you have a flat surface to secure the ends of the ribbon to. Try making a trio for your Independence Day buffet table this year!

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time required: Less than Ten Minutes

Things you’ll need:
Wide ribbon in Red, White and Blue, two or three different colors
Styrofoam cone
Hot glue gun and glue stick
Narrow red or blue ribbon

Things to do:
1. Cut lengths of the fat ribbon half again as long as the height of your tree.

2. Fan the ribbon out into a star shape so that each end overlaps the other by half, forming a circle of ribbon. Put the base of the stay on top and glue in place.

3. Draw the ribbons up to the top of the tree, pulling the ends in tightly and securing with a piece of the narrow ribbon.

4. Trim the ends of the ribbons to different lengths in an inverted V to finish.

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