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Rustic Patriotic Ribbon Flag

Hanging a flag on your house is, of course, a pretty traditional thing to do around Independence Day, or really any time of the year. And it’s a great look, especially if you have a graceful porch to hang it from. But if you don’t, or if you are looking for a slightly different look, this ribbon flag is just the thing.

Difficulty level: Moderate
Time required: 30 minutes

Things you’ll need:
A variety of ribbons in red, white an blue
2 foot length of 1/2 by 1/2 wood
Staple gun and staples

Things to do:
1. Lay the wood out of a hard work surface.

2. Starting with the thinner or more see-thru ribbons and spacing them out randomly along the length of the wood staple ribbons until you reach the 2/3 mark. Trim the ribbons at about the 4 foot length.

3. For the remainder of the piece of wood staple blue only pieces of ribbon until you reach the end. Trim these blue ribbons to about 1 1/2 length foot.
4. Add a second layer of ribbon to the back of the first, filling in until you have solid coverage. These should be trimmed at the 4-foot length.
5. Flip the flag” over and trim the ribbons to be more or less evenly along the bottom edge and also trim the blue section evenly to create a stars section.

6. Hang the flag on a flat wall surface.

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Quick and Easy Paper Fans

Paper Fans can be made with nearly any type of craft paper and can be decorated however you like. These fans are a perfect way to welcome warmer weather!

Things you’ll need:

Things to do:
1. Fold one edge of your paper over about 1/2”.
2. Flip your paper over and make another 1/2” fold that lines up with your first 1/2” fold.
3. Continue steps 1 & 2 until you reach the end of your paper.
4.Hold your folded paper like an accordion, and bunch the bottom side of your paper together so that the top flares out like a fan.
5. Hold the bottom end of your paper together with ribbon by tying a small bow near the bottom end of your paper.
6. Hold your fan and wave to create a cooling breeze!

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