DIY Paper Mache Unicorn Decor

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time required: 1 hour plus drying time
Age range: 10+ with adult supervision

Things you will need:
Paper Mache Unicorn
Cameo Pink Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint
Lilac Mist Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint
Fuchsia Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint
Regency Blue Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint
Purple Artificial Rose Heads
Pink Artificial Rose Heads
Ivory Artificial Rose Heads
Champagne Gold Rhinestone Stickers
Champagne FolkArt Glitter Paint

Things to do:
1. Paint the Paper Mache Unicorn body with the cameo pink acrylic paint. Let the unicorn dry between coats. 2-3 coats of paint should be sufficient, depending on color chosen.

2. Paint the top strand of the unicorn’s mane and one strand of the tail with the fuschia acrylic paint. Let the strands dry between the two coats of paint.

3. While the fuschia paint is drying, paint the eye sockets of the unicorn with white paint.

4. Then paint the unicorn horn and the inside of the ear with the Folk Art Extreme Glitter paint.

5. Paint the middle strand of the unicorn’s mane and one strand of the unicorn’s tail with the lilac acrylic paint. Let the strands dry between the two coats of paint.

6. Paint the bottom strand of the unicorn’s mane and the last strand of the unicorn’s tail with the regency blue acrylic paint. Also, had some regency blue paint to the unicorn’s eye.

7. Glue on a rhinestone to each of the unicorn’s eyes.

8. This step is where my daughter took over creative control. She asked for the unicorn to have a ponytail holder. So I trimmed of gold rhinestone ribbon and hot glued it to the top of the unicorn tail.

10. Next, we glued on two rhinestones to each of the unicorn’s mane.

11. Then, we glued on several faux rose heads.

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