DIY Cupcake Garland Tutorial

Sweeten up your next birthday party with this adorable cupcake garland! You can make your pompoms using yarn and a pompom maker or purchase them premade for a quick and easy assemble.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time to complete: 45 minutes
Age range: 12 and up

Things you’ll need:
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Large pom poms
Baker’s twine
Cupcake wrappers
Small pom poms

Things to do:

  1. Use hot glue to secure your pompom to the bottom of the cupcake wrapper.
  2. Cut an 8-inch piece of string and knot the end, creating a loop.
  3. Use hot glue to attach the loop inside the pompom.
  4. Add a small pompom on top of the loop.
  5. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have enough cupcakes to cover the length of your garland.
  6. Slide the cupcakes on a long piece of string and display.
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