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Category: General Crafts

Memory Pennies

Have you ever looked at a range of pennies form different years? It’s amazing the subtle differences from one year or one decade to another. Pennies might not be worth much money-wise, but lots of people consider them lucky, and since they are all dated with the year of production, they make great keepsakes for a moment you want to remember. This project turns pennies date with important years in your life like the birth of your children or your wedding into a keepsake you can take with you always.

Time to complete: 20 minutes
Difficulty level: Intermediate

Things you’ll need:
Pennies dated with important years in your life
Nail setter
Hard surface
Key ring

Things to do:
1. Pick a spot on your pennies to make your hole, you want it to be consistent from coin to coin.

2. Set the coins on a hard surface and place the nail setter onto the penny.

3. Hammer until the setter punches through the penny.
4. Repeat with the remaining pennies. Thread them in chronological order onto your keychain.

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Upcycle: Decoupage Jars

I remember my cousin and I making these jars all summer. We had family and friends for miles saving every glass jar and magazine! With these simple items and some imagination, we created masterpieces to be given as gifts and used to store trinkets. We even made bug-themed jars to hold our grasshoppers and other creepy-crawlies.

It’s with some hesitation that we introduce our daughters to these jars. This might be their Summer of Decoupage” and we’ll inflict these jars on a whole new set of neighbors!

Age range: 5 and up (must use scissors!)
Approximate time: 30 minutes to a whole summer
Difficulty Level: Beginner Crafter

Things you’ll need:
Empty, clean jars; lids optional
Mod Podge
Dish of water, paper towels, work surface that can get sticky
Foam brush
Magazines, pictures, colored artwork, anything printed

Things to do:
1. Determine a “theme’ for your jar. Ideas include a specific flower, bugs, buttons. Anything you might store inside your jar makes a good theme for the outside.
2. Find pictures or words that relate to the theme and cut them out.

3. Lay out your design on the jar to get an idea of placement.
4. When you’re ready, brush a thin layer of Mod Podge on the jar where you want to place your first picture.

5. Lay the picture over the Mod Podge, starting at one end and “rolling’ to the other. Try to keep wrinkles and bubbles to a minimum.

6. Brush more Mod Podge over the picture to seal it to the jar.
7. Continue gluing and placing pictures around the jar.

8. Check that all artwork is covered with a thin layer of Mod Podge.

9. Allow jar to dry overnight. Enjoy!

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