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Category: General Crafts

DIY Fabric and Foam Mouse Pad

I’ve got a funny thing against mouse pads. I get that they are handy, necessary even, to effectively use a computer mouse. But I almost always dislike how they look. I’ve gone through many that have been seemed too garish, too plain, too thick and too big and I still haven’t found one I like. So this project is perfect for me because I can make one just the way I want it. And since it’s so easy, I can change it at the drop of a hat to suit a new mood or style at my desk.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time to complete: 10 minutes

Things you need:
Craft Foam
Spray adhesive

Things to do:
1. On a covered and well-ventilated surface, spray the surface of your craft foam on one side.

2. Smooth the fabric over the foam, working out any bubbles as you go.
3. Allow the glue to dry and then trace a circle or whatever shape you want the mouse pad to be onto the fabric.

4. Cut the shape out for your mouse pad.

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Upcycle: CD Bird Reflectors

Bird Deflectors will help protect your garden from snack-snatching birds. Use fun paint pens to decorate your bird deflectors and hang them in your garden. Hang this craft in your window to deter birds from flying into your window. Birds are especially active in the spring, so protect your garden from birds and protect birds from flying into your windows with these handy deflectors. Decorating your deflector can be as simple or as elaborate as you want, but try to leave some of the shiny CD uncovered by paint to make sure it reflects the sun. Paint pens are a great way to decorate lots of surfaces, but small children under the age of 3 should not use them without adult supervision. You can decorate both sides of your bird deflector by decorating one side of your CD, allowing it to dry, and then flipping it over to decorate the other side.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Age range: Age 3+
Required time: 10 minutes

Things you’ll need:
Paint pens

Things to do:
1. Decorate your CD with paint pens and let dry.
2. Tie your ribbon around your CD through the center hole.
3. Hang your bird deflector in your garden or window to keep birds away.

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