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Tile Coasters

With warm weather approaching, iced tea and coffee are going to quickly become staples in my house, and that also means that little wet rings will soon start appearing all over my tables, including my newly refinished coffee table. And we can’t have that, can we? To help keep the rings away I’m stocking my table with some custom made coasters, cheery and bright, just right for summer!

Things you’ll need:
Blank ceramic tiles
Lightweight fabric (quilting cottons are perfect!)
Hard Coat Modge Podge
Foam paintbrush
Clear glaze spray
Pinking shears
Craft glue

Things to do:
1. Cut squares from your fabric 1/2 inch smaller than your tiles. Trim the edges with pinking shears.
2. Apply a thin coat of Modge Podge to the entire top surface of the tile and smooth the fabric square on, centering it so that an even amount of tile is showing all the way around the fabric. Allow the Modge Podge to dry before proceeding.
3. Brush an even, thin coat of Modge Podge over the entire top of the tile and allow it to dry.
4. Spray the surface with two thin coats of glazy to seal. Allow the glaze to dry between coats.
5. Cut a square of felt just a tad smaller than the tile and glue them to the bottom of each to protect your tabletops from scratches. Allow the glue to set before using.

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Homemade Glue

One of the worst feelings in the world is to have everything set up for a craft only to find that you are missing one essential ingredient. It’s usually something simple, like glue. Or perhaps you have some youngsters who love to stick things down but whom you’d rather not share your good craft glue with, either way, this simple recipe is for you. A homemade glue that is easy to make, easy to use and is made from ingredients you are sure to have in your kitchen right now.

Things you’ll need:
1 cup of flour
1/3 cup of white sugar
ice water
1/4 tsp white vinegar
Airtight container

Things to do:
1. Sift flour and sugar together into the saucepan and then add enough water to form a thin paste, making sure that no lumps remain.
2. Heat gently over medium low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.
3. Stir in the vinegar and pour into an airtight jar. Allow the glue to cool before using.

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