Paper Butterfly Mobile

Butterfly Mobiles are a whimsical way to welcome spring. Add beads or other decorations to personalize your mobiles and hang them from your ceiling to watch them flutter and spin.

Things you’ll need:
Colorful paper
Butterfly template
Embroidery floss
Decorative ring hooks

Things to do:
1. Use your butterfly template to trace and cut out your butterflies. Make sure to cut out two butterflies of the same color so that you have a matching front and back side for each butterfly. Make as many butterfly pairs as you like.
2. Remove the hook from your decorative ring hook.
3. Use your embroidery floss to tie a knot around your decorative ring.
4. Wrap your embroidery floss around your decorative ring by looping the floss around the ring, over your fingers, back through the ring, and then through the loop you just made with the floss wrapped around your fingers. Pull tightly and continue making these knots around your ring. Alternate floss colors as you like.
5. With extra embroidery floss hanging down from your decorative ring, line your matching butterfly pairs along the floss to measure placement.
6. Hot glue the back side of one half of your butterfly to the floss.
7. Continue gluing half of each butterfly along the floss until you reach the top.
8. Glue the other matching half of each butterfly on top of the other half.
9. Add the clip back onto your decorative ring and hang your butterfly mobile where you can admire it!

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