DIY Autumn Leaf Bunting

Leaves are so pretty in autumn, but they simply don’t last unless you spend a lot of time drying them flat…and even then they’ll crumble. Make a bunting out of these faux maple leaves, and add some sparkle with glitter glue. This will warm up the inside of your home during any cool autumn day!

Difficulty level: Easy
Time required: 30-60 minutes
Age range: 10+

Things you’ll need:
Glitter glue
Artificial maple leaves
Jute twine
Small paintbrush
Hole punch

Things to do:
1. Decide how long your bunting will need to be, and cut your jute to the proper length. Set aside enough leaves to hang from the jute. Punch a hole in each leaf with your hole punch.

2. Spread some glitter glue onto each leaf. You can squeeze it randomly, or in lines along each leaf vein.

3. You may also choose to use a paintbrush to spread the glitter glue more evenly across the leaf for a different effect.

4. Here’s my selection of finished leaves!

5. String your leaves onto the jute, and hand this on your mantel!

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