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Category: Kid's Crafts

How to Make a Duck out of Pipe Cleaners – Pipe Cleaner Crafts

pipe_cleaner_duckLearn how to make a duck out of craft pipe cleaners with this simple step-by-step instructional video. This is a perfect kid’s craft!
All you will need for this project is two white pipe cleaners, one orange pipe cleaner, and a pencil.
1. Simply begin with one of the white pipe cleaners and simply coil around it around the pencil, then slide it off the pencil.
2. Now take your orange pipe cleaner and fold it in half, then bend the top of the folded pipe cleaner a bit: this will serve as the beak
3. Next take the orange pipe cleaner and the coiled white pipe cleaner stick the orange pipe cleaner in the white coiled pipe cleaner about two coils down and slide is all the way down so that it make a beak.
4. Take the loose ends of the orange pipe cleaner and bend them to make feet
5. Take the remaining white pipe cleaner and form the wings and attach them to the coiled section of the body. Then have made your duck! You may also use any other colors of craft pipe cleaners and make any bird you wish… let your imagination run wild!

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