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Easy Sentence Popsicle Sticks

If you have an emerging reader in your house then this is a project for you! Both fun to make and fun to play with, these sentence sticks will be a hit with your little one!

Things you’ll need:
Jumbo Popsicle Sticks
Acrylic paint
Velcro strips
Craft glue
Permanent Marker

Things to do:
1. On a covered work surface, paint the craft sticks in three (four or five for more advanced readers) colors.
2. Once the paint is dry, neatly print words onto the sticks. Choose one color for articles, one for nouns and one for verbs (and one for adjectives/adverbs for more advanced readers).
3. Cut pieces of Velcro to fit the ends of the sticks. Glue- or stick on if your Velcro is stick on- the soft part of the Velcro to the top side of one end of the sticks and the rough side to the underside of the other end.
4. Once the glue is dry, set to work making sentences!

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DIY Delicate Vintage Lace Flowers

Delicate and with a vintage flair, this lace flower is a sweet and simple embellishment to top a gift or to pin onto your jacket. Use the same technique to create multi-layered flowers or keep them simple and light, all you need is a little thread, some pretty lace and a fun button.

Things you’ll need:
2 inch wide lace
Thread, matched to the lace

Things to do:
1. Cut two eight-inch pieces of lace.
2. Thread your needle and, securing it at one end, sew a running stitch along one of the long ends of the lace.
3. Draw the thread through tightly, bringing the lace into a gathered circle and sew the cut ends together.
4. Fold the second piece of lace in half lengthwise and repeat the process, this time bringing the thread down the fold to create a smaller, double layered circle. Stitch the ends together to close.
5. Layer the lace flowers together and sew a button in the center, drawing the thread through both circles to secure. Add to a broach, a hairclip or in place of a bow on a special gift.

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