The Coiling Gizmo Review

The Coiling Gizmo, really does what it says and shows. If you like the look of the jewelry shown on the front of the box then you’ll be more than satisfied when you complete one for yourself using this product. Before you begin, make sure you buy your wire (gauges can be thin to thick depending on your preference ). You will also need chain nose pliers, round nose pliers, and flush cutters.
I found myself only needing the chain nose pliers and flush cutters, but if you have all three it would be better. It is important to know that when you first open the directions you might feel slightly overwhelmed with how much is there. I suggest you take the time to sit and read all of the directions once or twice thoroughly before even attempting to make anything. The directions also show various ways to set up the Coiling Gizmo, but I found it easiest and simplest to hold it in my hand. When making my first bead I used thin 12 gauge wire as a preference for myself. It was easy to work with and coiled without needing too much pressure. The pictures that you will find along with the instructions are extremely helpful. They were very detailed and made it easy to follow each step.
Using the Coiling Gizmo I was able to make a double coiled bead my first time trying it. Now, since I used the thinner gauged wire my bead was not as sturdy as it could have been, but it looked just like it shows on the box and I was happy with the overall result. Make sure you take into consideration that the coiled beads take a nice amount of wire depending on the size and lengths you want, so you might want to stock up on the wire when you are purchasing your Coiling Gizmo. As I said before, this product works great for it’s purpose and if you like the look of the coiled beads then I would highly recommend this product for you, happy crafting!

Lisa Lahiff at Lisa’s Creative Niche

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