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Lace Printed Cards

A little lace and a quick spray of paint can turn a plain cardstock card into a soft, feathery missive with this project. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated space and on a covered work surface when using spray paint.

Things you’ll need:
Spray Paint
Masking tape

Things to do:
1. On a covered work surface, lay out your cardstock and drape the lace across the surface where you want the impression of the pattern to be.
2. Tape the ends of the lace down to the work surface to hold the lace in place.
3. Lightly spray the paper with paint, working in very thin layers.
4. Allow the paint to dry before removing the lace and writing on the card.

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Baker’s Twine Crocheted Flower

Using the basic stitches of single and double chain, bright and colorful baker’s twine becomes a sweet and unique flower for decorations and embellishments.

Things you’ll need:
Bakers Twine
Size H crochet hook

Things to do:
1. Tie on your first loop and chain three.
2. Slip Stitch into the first loop to join in a circle.
3. Using the center of the circle for a loop, DC nine times and them slip stitch to join. This creates your basic circle and the center of the flower. Each petal will be made with the same technique, using a stitch along the outside of the center as the base of the new circle. So…
4. In the first stitch, DC 7 times then slip the next stitch. Repeat until you have built up five petals and Slip Stitch into the first stitch.
5. Trim the end of the twine and pull through the loop, tying to secure.

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