Upcycle: Toilet Tube Snake

I’m always on the lookout for a good craft that reuses things I’ve got around the house, and I consider it a bonus when the use of recycled materials in my projects coincide with keeping my kids entertained. So this project is right up my alley. And up my kids! They loved making these snakes and had a great time seeing how the patterns they drew on the tube changed when it was cut into a spiral.

Difficulty Level: Beginner
Time required: 10 minutes

Things you’ll need:
Toilet tubes
Markers or paints
Glue stick

Things to do:
1. Let the kids color or paint all over the tube, covering the entire surface. Allow it to dry completely.

2. Starting at one end, cut the tube into a spiral.

3. Shape one end of the spiral into a head shape. Use the scraps to create a tongue and glue it on the underside of the head and add eyes. Play away!

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