Upcycle: Newspaper Flowers

These pretty little flowers look far more complicated than they really are and add something special to gifts and decorations. Made from nothing more than newspaper and a little glue, they make a great addition to your crafting arsenal.

Things you’ll need:
Plate or bowl
Craft glue

Things to do:
1. Trace the bowl or plate onto the newspaper to give a perfect circle.

2. Cut the circle out, then, starting along the edge, cut the circle into a spiral, keeping the width of the strip you are cutting even as you go. The size of the flower depends on how large your circle is and how wide the strip is, play with the sizes and widths until you find the size you want.

3. Starting at the outer edge of the spiral, tightly roll the strip up, as you go, the strip with naturally start to splay out on one edge due to the curve of the cut, this creates the flower. Keep the rolling tight as you go.

4. When you area almost to the inside of the spiral, adjust the tightness of the flower to your liking. Apply a generous dab of glue to the center of the spiral and pull in in under the bottom of the flower. This, once dry, will hold the flower together.

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