Ribbon Wrapped Fourth of July Wreath

When you’ve got guests coming over for a Fourth of July party, you want to greet them with something all red, white and blue, right? A wreath is the perfect thing to hang on your front door both on the day and for the weeks before and after. This ribbon wrapped wreath takes advantage of the lovely stripy ribbons available for the holiday to create a simple but patriotic wreath.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time required: 15 minutes

Things you’ll need:
Styrofoam wreath form
Patriotic Ribbon, at least two colors or patterns
Sewing pins
Craft Glue

Things to do:
1. Begin wrapping one of the ribbons at a slight angle tightly around the wreath, continuing to wrap until the wreath is about 3/4 covered.

2. Tuck the second ribbon under the first a few wraps before you want to change colors then trim the first color on the back side and continue wrapping with the second.

3. Finish off the wrapping on the back side, dabbing the end with a little glue and then securing with the sewing pins.

4. Tie a bow with an additional length of ribbon and attach with a little glue and a few more pins.

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