Paracord Technique: How to do a Two Color Solomon Bar

A variation on the Stitched Solomon Bar, this two color bracelet allows you to turn a simpler knot into something a little more complex and is a perfect stitch for a beginning bracelet. This knot required a core of a doubled piece of cord, here the blue. As a general rule of thumb, you will need one foot of the cord you will weave for every inch of the core. Here we have a 6-inch long core in blue and 6 feet of cord in red to weave the knot.

Things you need:
Red and navy blue parachute cord – or other colors of your choice

Things to do:
1. Fold your shorter piece in half to create the core and measure out your contrasting color (1 ft per inch of the core)

2. Find the center point of the contrasting color and lay it out flat behind the bend of the core.

3. Fold one leg of the contrasting cord over the top of the core to create a C on one side of the core.

4. Fold the other leg of the contrasting cord down over the top of the first leg.

5. Pull that same leg up behind the core and through the C from behind.

6. Pull to tighten. At this point you can slide the knot up or down to adjust how big the loop is at the top.

7. Repeat this process, this time creating the C on the other side of the core. Each time you start a new knot, remember that the new C will lie on the same side as the last knot. Continue working this pattern until you have achieved the length you desire.

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