Fun with Mod Podge: Create a unique glass candle holder

If you’re going through a low cash-flow period but need a quick gift idea, add a little light to the topic with this quick and easy project.

Things you need:
Glass Candle Holder
Pictures or other images
Mod Podge

Things to do:
1. Wash the glass surface thoroughly with soapy water, then wipe with vinegar and set aside to dry. After you have cleaned it, try not to touch the outer surface of the candle so oils from your fingers do not adhere to the glass.
2. Pull out some scraps of old crafting paper you’ve saved, and/or a pile of old magazines. Look through the magazines to find some images that inspire you and cut these out. You can also use some photos you’ve scanned into your computer and printed out.
3. Measure the candle holder length and circumference to determine the dimensions, then set your images and pieces of parchment paper on a table and experiment with different layouts. Since this will be for a candle holder, you may want to think about leaving blank spaces between images and cutting images in different shapes to create an interesting effect when the candle is lit.
4. Once you have decided how you want to arrange the images, you will glue them to the glass surface. Apply Mod Podge to the back of your images carefully press the image down flat to avoid any bubbles or ripples.
5. Allow the glue to dry completely, and then remove any traces of glue from the glass using a window cleaning product or vinegar using a sponge or cotton swab.
6. Let dry again after cleaning glue from surface. Then apply water-based varnish. Do not use a flammable sealant since this is a candle!

You can adapt this project for different needs, occasions and interests. For instance, one friend of mine used this idea to create a memory candle with photos for her sister who was grieving a beloved pet. Another friend made an abundance-attracting candle, using a photocopied $50 bill and images of the things she wanted to do with the wealth she desired. My neighbor made a candle for her daughter, who loves fantasy novels and unicorns, using a drawing of a unicorn from an old, partially damaged picture book she found at a yard sale.

Photo credit: Kenner Road

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