How to Make a Puzzle Wreath

If you have children, then you know these two things about kids and puzzles. Kids love puzzles. And kids loose puzzle pieces. It’s just a fact of life. But don’t despair, as much as kids love puzzles, they’ll love a puzzle wreath for their play space and you’ll love to have a way to use up all those sad puzzles that are no longer complete!

Difficulty level: Easy
Time required: 1 hour plus dry time

Things you’ll need:
Puzzle pieces
Wire wreath form
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Spray paint

Things to do:
1. Heat up your glue gun, high temp glue works best here, allowing you to spread glue over a section of the wreath and work without the glue drying to fast.

2. Run a bead of glue around the outer edge of the wreath and then press puzzle pieces into the glue, working in 2-3 inch sections.

3. Once you’ve covered the outer ring, repeat the process with the inner ring.

4. Once the inner and outer ring are covered, glue puzzle pieces to cover the center, using the edges of the puzzle pieces on the inner and outer rings and the center rings to get good coverage.

5. When the entire wreath is covered, place the wreath on a covered work surface in a well ventilated space and spray with several coats of paint, allowing each to dry before adding the next. Add coats until the whole wreath is well covered.
6. Once the wreath is dry, add a bow to decorate or hang just as is!

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