How to Make a Butterfly Bouquet


Difficulty level: Beginner
Time required: 30 mins
Age range: 12+

Things you’ll need:
Artificial butterflies
Bouquet holder
Flowers *optional
Wire cutters


Things to do:
1. Start with artificial butterflies, choose which colors or sizes will work best on your bouquet. Tip: If you are not using butterflies with wire already attached, you can use hot glue and craft wire to attach wire to the underneath of the butterfly.
2. Cut your wire on the back of your butterflies and flowers to your desired length. Between 3-6 inches works best.
3. Use varying lengths, positions and sizes of your butterflies to create a natural looking arrangement, simply sticking your crafting wire on to the underside of your butterflies, into the foam on your bouquet holder.
4. Arrange your butterflies to hide your foam, as well as shaping them as you go to create a uniform, yet natural appearance.
5. Add embellishment or ribbon as you see fit.

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