God’s Eye Baby Turtles Tutorial

This variations of the “God’s Eye” popsicle stick craft is sure to entertain turtle lovers of all ages!

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Time required: 2 hours
Age range: 6+

Things you’ll need:
Embroidery thread
Hot glue
Hot glue gun
Black marker
Mini colored popsicle sticks

Things to do:
1. Choose thread colors for your turtle and pull out 3 green popsicle sticks.
2. Glue two of the popsicle sticks together to form an “x”.
3. Glue the third popsicle stick to the x to create the head and tail.
4. Begin wrapping thread around the popsicle sticks with your center color. (It’s helpful to secure the thread in the back with some hot glue when you begin).
5. Switch to the next shell color and continue wrapping.
6. Continue changing colors and wrapping until you are satisfied with the size of your turtle’s shell. Secure the thread in the back with a little glue.
7. Optional: draw a face and toes on your turtle.

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