DIY Succulent Embroidery Hoop Wall Hanging Set

This set of succulents is a great way to bring some greenery to your home without worrying about watering. You can make the entire set of hoops, or if you don’t have room on your wall, just make one. You can substitute air plants, flowers, or any other pretty greenery you’d like.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time required: 30 minutes
Age range: 12 and up

Things you’ll need:
7″ wood embroidery hoop
5″ wood embroidery hoop
3″ wood embroidery hoop
Jute twine
Assorted artificial succulents
Wire cutters (optional)

Things to do:
1. Twist the screw on top of each embroidery hoop, separating the two parts of each hoop. Set aside the pieces with the screw top for now.

2. Starting with the largest hoop and leaving a long tail of twine, estimate how much twine you need by wrapping the twine around the hoop four times and adding a few more inches to the length. Trim the twine with scissors, then cut an additional matching length of twine so that you have two lengths.

3. Using one length of twine and once again leaving a long tail of twine, wrap the twine around the hoop four times as tightly as you can.

4. Trim the twine, leaving a long tail. Flip the hoop over, then knot the two twine ends together, ensuring the twine is taut on the hoop.

Tip: This part can be a little tricky to complete on your own, so you might want to have someone help you knot to make sure it’s taut.
5. Repeat steps 2-4, this time wrapping on the opposite side of the hoop with the second length of twine.

6. Place the screw-top piece onto the twine hoop and screw it in place to secure it, centering the screw with the crossed pieces of twine. (You may have to loosen it a little more to get it to fit over the twine.) This is a great time to make adjustments, evening out the twine.
7. Trim the ends of the twine as close to the knot as you can.

8. Repeat steps 2-7 with the 5″ hoop, this time wrapping the twine around the hoop only three times.

9. Repeat steps 2-7 with the 3″ hoop, this time wrapping the twine around the hoop only two times.

10. Decide which succulents you’d like to use. Larger stems can be difficult to weave through the twine, so if your succulent has a thick stem, you can remove it to reveal a thinner stem.

For succulents that are in a large bunch, you can use wire cutters to trim individual succulents away.

11. Place one or more succulents in each hoop, weaving the stem in and out of the twine to make sure it’s secure.

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