DIY Sparkly Glitter Hair Clips

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time required: 10 minutes, plus Mod Podge drying time
Age range: 8 and up

Things you’ll need: [sparkly-glitter-hair-clip-supplies]
Wax paper or other work surface covering
Curved Alligator Clips
Mod Podge Gloss-Lustre

Things to do:
1. Place wax paper or other covering on your work surface, if you’d like. Using sandpaper, sand the alligator clip. You will see scratches on the surface of the clip; that’s exactly what we want. This gives the metal a rough surface that the Mod Podge and glitter can cling to more easily.

2. With the paintbrush, apply a layer of Mod Podge to the clip.

3. Immediately sprinkle the clip with glitter, covering the entire surface of the clip. (Don’t worry about using too much glitter. You can sweep it up and reuse it again later.)

4. Tap the clip gently against the work surface to remove excess glitter. Allow the glittered clip to dry for 15-20 minutes.
Tip: You may want to rinse your paintbrush during drying time, especially if you use it for other projects.

5. Once the first layer is dry to the touch, use the paintbrush to add a second layer of Mod Podge.

6. Sprinkle the clip with glitter, once again covering the entire surface. If you’d like, you can scoop up and use some of the discarded glitter from the first layer.

7. Tap the clip gently against the work surface to remove excess glitter. Allow the glittered clip to dry for 15-20 minutes.

8. Add one final layer of Mod Podge to seal the last layer of glitter, then allow the final layer to dry

9. If you’re happy with the amount of glitter on your clip, you’re finished! If not, add layers of Mod Podge and glitter until you are happy with it.

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