DIY Pinwheel Cake Toppers

These fun cake toppers are a great addition to your next birthday party. They bring a festive look to your homemade treats. Make a few in a variety of colors or patterns.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Age range: 8 and Up *Younger ages may need assistance when using a hot glue gun.
Time to complete: 10 Minutes

Things you’ll need:
Various Colors of Felt
Dowel rods
3″ x 3″ Square Pattern
Glue Gun

Things to do:
1. Create a 3″ square pattern out of paper and use it to cut a matching felt square.

2. Cut into the corners of the felt square, leaving space in the middle.

3. Fold the corner of the felt square over and secure with hot glue. Continue doing this to the four corners until they are all secured.

4. Choose a bright button and use hot glue to attach it to the center of the pinwheel.

5. Cut a dowel rod down to 5 1/2 inches and hot glue it to the back of the pinwheel.

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