Crown Hair Pin

Every girl deserves a crown. Don’t you think? This wee little crown is perfect for the princess in your life (even if it’s you!) and adds just a touch of whimsy to an everyday hairdo.

Things you’ll need:
Oversized straw
Pinking shears (optional)
Mod Podge
Bottle cap or jar lid
Bobby Pin

Things to do:
1. Trim a half-inch section off of your straw, making sure the ends are totally flat and not angled.
2. Using either the pinking shears or your scissors, cut the crowns spikes on one end of your piece of straw.
3. In the jar lid, mix Mod Podge and a generous amount of glitter. You want a thick paste of glitter here.
4. Paint the tiny crown inside and out with the glitter. You’ll need several coats, allowing each to dry before the next, to completely cover the straw.
5. Once the crown is well coated with glitter, Glue it to the bobby pin with generous dots of glue. Allow it to dry before wearing.

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  1. How is the crown glued to the hairpin? Is there another piece of straw added to the bottom or is it just modge podge that runs down after each coat of glitter and mp is added? Thanks!

    1. The crown is glued onto a hairpin with a glue pad, which is just a small metal disc attached to a regular bobby pin.