Basic Paracord Buckle Bracelet Tutorial

This is an excellent beginner paracord bracelet, giving you a solid finished product that fits well and shows off a nice knotting technique. Here we will used a two color Solomon bar knot but any knot with a separate core will work for this project. As a rule of thumb, you’ll need 1 foot of contrasting cord for each inch of core cord.

Things you’ll need:
Black and Red Paracord – or any other color of your choice
Small buckles

Things to do:
1. Measure the length you want for a finished bracelet. Double this and add 3 inches more for the knots. Cut a core piece at this length.
2. Fold the core roughly one third of the way down. Loop it through one half of the buckle and pull the tails through to secure.

3. Singe the ends of the cord and push the two ends together to create a solid loop.

4. Loop the other end through the other half of the buckle and pull the other end through to secure. You should now have a loop with buckles on each end. Test for size.

5. Begin knotting technique by following the instructions for a two color Solomon bar knotting, which is briefly reviewed below.
6. Fold the contrasting color in half to find the center point and tuck behind the core.

7. Create a C by folding one leg of the contrasting color over the core. Bring the other leg down over the first leg then draw it up, behind the legs and through the C. Repeat this, Creating the C this time on the other side of the core.

8. Repeat this process until you have reached the other buckle.

9. Trim and singe the ends to finish.

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