Yard Art to Paper Weights Plaster Bugs

This simple and affordable craft will keep your kids busy for hours of fun! Inspired by the lid of an air freshener can that was being thrown away, these little buggers can be used for anything from yard art to paperweights! Would be a fun activity for a kid’s party as well!

Difficulty level: Beginner
Age range: 10 and up
Approximate time: 60 minutes over several days

Things you’ll need:
Plaster of Paris
Forms (muffin tins, plastic lids, storage containers)
Egg container
Cooking spray
Acrylic paints
Googly eyes, pipe cleaners, embellishments, glue
Paper towels (lots of paper towels)
Water-proof Sealer

Things to do:
1. Spray the interior of your form with cooking spray. This will help with the unmolding process.

2. Mix Plaster of Paris according to manufacturer’s directions.
3. Pour mixture into molds.

4. Allow mix to set up in mold, make sure they’re level. We used egg cartons to hold our rounded tops. Add pipe cleaners now if you want your bugs to have antenna.

5. When they’re set up, unmold and allow the bugs to finish air drying. You could make another batch at this point.

6. Paint and decorate your bugs! Have artists sign and date their bugs on the bottom. Great blackmail!

7. Seal with water-resistant sealer if you want to leave them outside. Enjoy!

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