Upycling: Finger Weaving with DIY Tshirt Loops

If you’ve got one of those classic potholder looms hanging around, chances are you also have a bag of jersey loops as well. While potholder are lots of fun to do, and a great rainy day project, there are lots of other uses for those loops, including an easier way of finger weaving.

Finger weaving is a great way to introduce kids to fiber arts. It’s quick to produce something fun and usable (Necklaces! Bracelets! Belts!) so they see their successes right away and it’s something that travels well so it can be done in the car to keep the bordoms away. Using loops instead of yarn makes the process a little easier and results in a stripy, colorful weaving that kids will love.

Difficulty level: Easy
Time required: Ten minutes to learn, hours of fun after

Things you’ll need:
Potholder weaving loops or DIY Jersey Loops
Clean(ish) hands

Things to do:
1. Weave one loop in figure eights around your four fingers, leaving your thumb free.

2. Weave a second one on top of the first, closer to your knuckles.

3. On the inside of your hand, use the fingers of your other hand to pull the bottom loop on each finger up and over the back of your finger and the other loop.

4. Add another row of loops on top of the one that remains and continue the process until you have as long of a weaving as you want. Once you have decided you like the length of your accessory (ie. bracelet, necklace, infinity scarf, etc), cut two loops so that they are strings now. Slip one string through all the loops on one end and knot. Repeat for the other side. Tie both strings together when worn.

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