Red White and Blue Spotty Dotty Teapot

Nothing says Fourth of July like a cup of tea. Ok, maybe I’m getting my history, and my seasons, a little mixed up there! I drink tea every day, even in the summer. But no one else in my family does which means my winter teapot was a little much for making one little cup each evening. So to cut down of the overproduction of tea and to make a little something Fourth of July-ish for my kitchen at the same time, I gave this little one cup pot a summer makeover!

Things you’ll need:
White teapot (you could also do this with white mugs!)
Ceramic enamel paint (PermEnamel is perfect)
Pencil with a new eraser and a very sharp point
Painters tape

Things to do:
1. Clean the surface of the teapot well and dry completely. Tape off the section of the pot you want to paint to help ensure you don’t get any paint off kilter.
2. Holding the pot on it’s side, dip the eraser end of the paintbrush into the paint and dot slowly onto the surface of the pot, pulling straight up and away from the dot . Continue until the surface is well covered with dots.
3. Dip the sharpened end of the pencil into paint and add small dots between the larger ones to fill in any gaps and add interest.
4. Allow the paint to dry completely before using.

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