Recycle Old Magazines into Beautiful Bowls

This DIY is a wonderful way to recycle any old magazines you may have laying around. It is so fun to pick bright colored pages to assemble into a neat bowl. Use the finished product to hold craft supplies or fruit on your kitchen counter.

Time to complete: 30 Minutes
Age range: 12 and Up *This craft requires the use of a hot glue gun
Difficulty level: Intermediate

Things you’ll need:
Glue gun and glue sticks
Tacky Glue

Things to do:
1. The first step is ripping out magazine pages. I’ve found that choosing brightly colored pages is a great way to add interesting details to your bowl.
2. The next step is folding the magazine pages the long way. Make your folds about half inch wide and fold all the way to the end of the page. Repeat this step with all of your magazine pages.

3. Once you’ve folded all of the magazine pages, it is time to assemble the bowl. Apply hot glue to the folded magazine and start rolling it up. When you’re rolling the magazine strip, try to make the roll as tight as possible.

4. Continue building on the bowl by rolling more magazine strips along the outside edge. I’ve found that hot glue works the best for attaching the strips.

5. Roll the magazine strips until you’ve made the bottom of your bowl as large as you want it to be.
6. Once the bottom of the bowl is finished, it is time to start building the edges. All you have to do is attach magazine strips with hot glue to the edges, raising the strips a little more each time to create height. Continue this step until you have reached the height that you like. As the bowl gets taller, it will also get wider.

7. Once you’ve reached a size that you like, it’s time to finish the bowl. Use tacky glue to secure any loose ends and apply a clothespin to the wet glue until it dries. This step will not only make your bowl look neater, but it will also strengthen the magazine strips.

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