DIY Warm Hearts Rice Bag

While February may be the tail end of winter, there can still be cold nights in most parts of the country when Valentine’s Day rolls around. Give your Valentine something to show your love AND keep them warm with these sweet heart rice bags! While you can make these in a variety of sizes, palm sized is a nice, convenient size to both work with and use. Once finished, zap the heart in the microwave for 30-60 seconds to heat up and enjoy!

Difficulty level: moderate
Time required: 20 minutes

Things you’ll need:
Embroidery thread
Embroidery needle

Things to do:
1. Fold your felt in quarters and, along the folded edge, cut a half heart shape. You should now have two identical felt hearts.

2. Sandwich the two hearts together. Thread your needle with the embroidery floss and knot one end.

3. Stitch around the heart, about 1/4 inch in from the edge, almost all the way around the heart, starting along one long edge of the heart.
4. When you are almost all the way around, insert the funnel into the hole left and pour in enough rice to fill, but not stuff, the heart.

5. Remove the funnel and finish stitching up the heart, sealing the rice inside.
6. Tie off the thread and trim the ends before using.

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