DIY Miniature Fairy Teapot

We have a little fairy house, down at the bottom of our garden, where the fairies like to gather (and the little girls too) We’re always adding little things to help them feel more at home and I thought it was high time for a teapot. After all, don’t fairies love to have tea parties? How can you have a tea party without a teapot? Look for very bendy, green sticks or soak the twigs in warm water for a few minutes before shaping into the handle.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Time to complete: less than 10 minutes

Things you’ll need:
Wooden beads
Wooden slices
Hot glue gun and glue sticks

Things to do:
1. Add a little bit of glue to the top and press a small wooden disk to cover the hole and create a lid.

2. Trim one stick to create a spout by cutting a steep angle with the scissors. Glue in place.
3. Bend another section of the twig into a u shape, trim the ends to make a flat gluing surface. Add a dab of glue to the end of each and press it onto the bead to create a handle. Allow everything to dry before giving it to your fairies.

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