Crocheted Doily Sunprints

While doilies are, undoubtedly, delightful, there are times when you might not want the full foofyness of their style in your life. Perhaps your look is a little more understated or modern, or maybe you’re just looking for something a little different. Either way, these doily sun prints blend the modern and the old fashion in a fun and easy way.

Things you’ll need:
Sun print paper
Crocheted doilies
Plate or flat dish

Things to do:
1. In a sunny spot, lay out a sheet of your sun print paper and immediately arrange a doily on top of it. Allow it to sit in the sun,
exposing the paper, until the paper turns white or according to the package directions.

2. Once the paper is exposed, submerge it in cool water for about a minute.

3. Set the paper on a flat surface and allow it to dry completely.

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