Crayon Art Candle

Create a party-ready decoration with this Crayon Art Candle craft. Using crayons to create splatter art is a popular crafting concept, and adding it to a candle allows you to create a custom work of 3-D art you can use every day or for special occasions. Prepare to get messy and create a colorful work of splatter art!

Difficulty level: Intermediate

Things you’ll need:

Things to do:
1. Place your candle on a clear surface where it will not matter if wax splatters a bit.
2. With your pliers, hold a crayon on top of your candle and heat using your hair dryer.
3. Alternate colors and rotate your candle to create your splattered wax design. Tilt your hair dryer different ways to move the colored wax around the surface of your candle.
4. When you are satisfied with your design, light your candle and enjoy!

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