Easy Festive Ribbon Wreath Centerpiece

This ribbon wreath centerpiece can be made in so many colors to celebrate many different occasions! Create it in fun colors for a birthday, holiday colors for different holidays, or in school colors to honor your favorite school or sports team. This wreath takes awhile to complete, but is a nice project to work on while watching television or relaxing, and is easy enough for children to do.

Difficulty level: Easy
Time required: 2 hours
Age range: 8+

Things you’ll need:
Wire wreath form
At least 20 yards of ribbon in a variety of sizes and colors

Things to do:
1. Cut between 100 to 150 pieces of ribbon to about 8″ long each. This is enough to cover two of the tracks on the wreath, which will give an adequate amount of coverage. If you’d like the wreath fuller, cut even more pieces. Cut a variety of widths, textures, and colors. Narrower ribbons can be cut shorter, while wider ribbons can be cut longer.
2. Then, slip a ribbon under one of the wires.

3. Tie it in a simple knot.

4. Tighten the knot so the ribbon doesn’t flop around on the track.

5. Continue all around the wreath on one of the tracks, and it will look like this! Add more on another track to be sure the wreath is full. Add to the center of your table for a festive centerpiece. You can also add a long piece of ribbon and hang this for permanent display!

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