DIY Potluck Tags

I love a good potluck! All though interesting dishes, new things to try that are somebody’s family favorite. But it’s easy to get confused with a big table of food on what is what. These little tags are easy to make and pass out at a potluck so that food can be labeled by who made what, what the dish is or notices about allergies! After the potluck, wash off the writing, recycle the craft stick and you are ready for another round of amazing dishes next time around!

Difficulty level: Easy
Time required: less than 5 minutes

Things you’ll need:
Chalkboard clips
Popsicle sticks
Chalkboard Ink Pen

Things to do:
1. Write the name of your dish, who made it or allergy information on the chalkboard with the Chalkboard Ink Pen. Using the pen instead of standard chalk ensures that the label will not get wiped off while people are serving themselves.

2. Push a craft stick into the food and attach the clip to the top so that it is clear to see.

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